
    • ✅ Opportunity to earn from the publication of articles, videos, and documents.
    • ✅ Opportunity to earn through consultations.
    • ✅ Opportunity to earn by sharing a referral code with colleagues.
    • ✅ Closed Telegram chat for lawyers.
    • ✅ Opportunity to take on high-ticket services.
    • ✅ Own CRM system for client and task management.
    • ✅ Opportunity to boost rating based on previous experience.
    • ✅ Opportunity to offer unique services at your own price.
    • ✅ Ability to share your profile on social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, and other sites).
    • ✅ Personal manager 24/7 to ensure quick earnings.
    • ✅ Participation in professional video content shoots covered by the company.
    • ✅ Access to search through open databases.
    • ✅ Automated control of legal cases.
    • ✅ Opportunity to earn from video broadcasts.
    • ✅ Personal sales manager for your services.
    • ✅ Personal marketer.
    • ✅ Top ranking on Google search for your name.
    • ✅ Official earnings guarantee.
    • ✅ Promotion of your profile on our social networks and the homepage of the website.
  • PRO

    • ✅ Opportunity to earn from the publication of articles, videos, and documents.
    • ✅ Opportunity to earn through consultations.
    • ✅ Opportunity to earn by sharing a referral code with colleagues.
    • ✅ Closed Telegram chat for lawyers.
    • ✅ Opportunity to take on high-ticket services.
    • ✅ Own CRM system for client and task management.
    • ✅ Opportunity to boost rating based on previous experience
    • ✅ Opportunity to offer unique services at your own price.
    • ✅ Ability to share your profile on social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, and other sites).
    • ✅ Personal manager 24/7 to ensure quick earnings.
    • ✅ Participation in professional video content shoots covered by the company.
    • ✅ Access to search through open databases.
    • ✅ Automated control of legal cases.
    • ✅ Opportunity to earn from video broadcasts.
    • ❌ Personal sales manager for your services.
    • ❌ Personal marketer.
    • ❌ Top ranking on Google search for your name.
    • ❌ Official earnings guarantee.
    • ❌ Promotion of your profile on our social networks and the homepage of the website.
  • BASE

    • ✅ Opportunity to earn from the publication of articles, videos, and documents.
    • ✅ Opportunity to earn through consultations.
    • ✅ Opportunity to earn by sharing a referral code with colleagues.
    • ✅ Closed Telegram chat for lawyers.
    • ❌ Opportunity to take on high-ticket services.
    • ❌ Own CRM system for client and task management.
    • ❌ Opportunity to boost rating based on previous experience.
    • ❌ Opportunity to offer unique services at your own price.
    • ❌ Ability to share your profile on social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, and other sites).
    • ❌ Promotion of your profile on our social networks and the homepage of the website.
    • ❌ Personal manager 24/7 to ensure quick earnings.
    • ❌ Participation in professional video content shoots covered by the company.
    • ❌ Access to search through open databases.
    • ❌ Automated control of legal cases.
    • ❌ Opportunity to earn from video broadcasts.
    • ❌ Personal sales manager for your services.
    • ❌ Personal marketer.
    • ❌ Top ranking on Google search for your name.
    • ❌ Advertising budget (15,200 UAH/month) to promote your profile.
    • ❌ OFICIAL earnings guarantee.
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