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The PESEL number (Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności) is a unique identification number assigned to every resident of Poland. It consists of 11 digits and includes the date of birth, a unique number and a check digit that allows identification of the person. PESEL is widely used in administrative and government systems, providing access to social, medical, tax and other government services.
Main characteristics and goals of PESEL:
- Date of birth: the first six digits indicate the date of birth (year, month, day).
- Unique number and gender: The next four digits are unique to each individual and contain gender information (even for women, odd for men).
- Check digit: The last digit is used to check that the entire number is correct.
What does obtaining a PESEL in Poland give?
PESEL provides an opportunity to officially work in Poland; receive medical and social services; open bank accounts; register in the tax and pension systems; use electronic services of state institutions.
The PESEL number simplifies the identification of a person and facilitates access to administrative services in Poland. There are several ways to obtain a PESEL number in Poland (a unique identification number for each resident), depending on your status and the purpose of your stay. This number is used in many areas, including healthcare, banking and tax matters.
The main methods of obtaining a PESEL number:
- Applying through a local municipality (Urząd Miasta or Gmina): If you live in Poland on a temporary or permanent permit, you can apply for PESEL by registering your place of residence. In the local municipality (Urząd Miasta or Gmina) you need to submit an application for registration at the address of residence (the so-called zameldowanie). Normally, a PESEL is provided automatically during this procedure. You must have a passport or other identity document with you and documents confirming the right to stay (for example, a temporary residence permit or employment contract).
- Obtaining a PESEL for specific needs without registration of residence: Foreigners can obtain a PESEL without registration of residence if they need it for tax or medical purposes. To do this, you need to contact the municipality and fill out an application indicating the reasons for obtaining a PESEL (for example, for registration at the tax office or for medical care). You will need an identity card and a document confirming the need to obtain a PESEL.
Automatic provision of PESEL for foreigners arriving in Poland for the purpose of receiving temporary protection: from the beginning of 2022, foreigners, in particular Ukrainians receiving temporary protection, are automatically provided with a PESEL when applying for the status of temporary protection.
Documents for obtaining PESEL:
Application for obtaining a PESEL.
Passport or other identity document.
Reason for obtaining a number (if you apply without registering residence).
PESEL registration steps:
- Go to the nearest municipality (Urząd Miasta or Gmina).
- Submit an application for PESEL with the necessary documents.
- Get proof of identity and provide a signature.
- PESEL is provided immediately or within a few days, depending on the institution's workload.
PESEL (Polish National Identification Number) and Electronic Signature Application:
- Easy access to public sector services, banking services and medical facilities.
- The possibility of official employment.
- Simplification of tax procedures.
- Obtaining a PESEL greatly facilitates the life of foreigners in Poland, giving access to all necessary services and procedures.
Legal assistance in obtaining a PESEL number in Poland can be useful, especially for foreigners facing questions related to migration law and procedural requirements.
A migration law lawyer of the "Consultant" service can help with the following aspects:
- Assessment of the need for a PESEL: a lawyer can explain whether you need a PESEL, taking into account your purpose of stay in Poland (work, study, residence or business).
- Preparation of documents: The specialist will help to collect and check the necessary documents for submission to PESEL (passport, visas or other permits).
- Support in obtaining the document in administrative institutions: A lawyer can accompany you to the local administration or other institutions where you need to submit documents for PESEL status to ensure the correct implementation of the procedure.
- Advice on legal requirements: A specialist will explain the rules for obtaining a PESEL in your specific situation, help you take into account the requirements related to resident status or other documents or help with the renewal of status.
- Clarification of next steps: After receiving a PESEL, a lawyer can advise on next steps, such as registration at the place of residence, opening bank accounts or accessing public services.
After receiving a PESEL, a lawyer can help you register to access services, open bank accounts, apply for health insurance or employment, if needed. It will explain whether you fall under the categories of foreigners who need or are entitled to receive a PESEL, given your stay. The lawyer will talk about current requirements, which may include the status of a temporary or permanent resident, the need for registration at the place of residence, as well as important changes in migration legislation.
Obtaining a PESEL number in Poland for foreigners can be made easier with the help of a migration lawyer. PESEL (Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności) is a Polish individual identification number required to access public services such as healthcare, social security, or to complete administrative procedures. If you are interested in legal assistance for obtaining a PESEL number, contact a migration lawyer who specializes in Polish law and is familiar with the procedure for foreigners. Contacting a migration lawyer from the “Konsultant” legal service will help you avoid delays in the procedure, prepare documents correctly, and ensure compliance with your rights and status in Poland.