Starting from July 1, 2024, Ukrainian citizens who have lived 365 days in Poland with a PESEL document will be able to obtain a residence card.
New opportunity to obtain a residence card for Ukrainians
Starting from July 1, 2024, Ukrainian citizens who have lived in Poland for 365 days with a PESEL document will be able to apply for a temporary residence permit known as a "residence card".
The residence permit allows Ukrainians to reside in Poland for another three years with the option to stay. The new amendments to the legislation of the Republic of Poland allow Ukrainians living abroad to secure the possibility of living and working in Poland in a more efficient and affordable manner. A residence permit provides more stability and confidence in the future, as well as access to various social and economic benefits offered by Poland. The legal marketplace "Consultant" is always ready to assist in this matter, providing advice and support in the preparation and submission of all necessary documents. To obtain a residence permit, you need to apply to the local authorities with a relevant application and the necessary documents. Given the importance of these changes, we recommend that all interested Ukrainian citizens carefully read the new rules and submit their applications in a timely manner to take advantage of this opportunity.
Legal marketplace "Consultant" provides a full range of services, including advice and support in the preparation and submission of all necessary documents for obtaining a residence card in Poland. You can order the service "Issuance of a residence card" at the link: https://consultant.net.pl/uk/posluha/otrymannia-karty-pobytu