Since July 24, the state enterprise "Dokument" has resumed accepting applications for international passports for Ukrainian citizens. Now, to obtain an international passport, it is necessary to verify data through the "Reserve+" app by providing a QR code. It is important to note that information for previously submitted passport applications is not available in the app.
Since July 24, the State Enterprise "Document" has resumed accepting applications for issuing foreign passports for Ukrainian citizens. Now, to obtain a foreign passport, you must go through data verification via the "Reserve+" application by providing a QR code. It is important to note that information for previously submitted passport applications is not available in the application.
Submitting an application does not guarantee the issuance of a passport. Clients often face situations where the document is ready, but it is not issued. Lawyers of the legal marketplace "Consultant" have repeatedly helped their clients in such cases. This process requires not only time but also a thorough knowledge of Ukrainian legislation and the skillful application of it in practice. If you need to obtain a foreign passport, contact us; we are always ready to help you!
Full information is available at: https://consultant.net.pl/ru/usluga/vosstanovlenie-ukrainskogo-zagranpasporta-v-polshe
If your foreign passport has expired or is about to expire and you do not want to obtain a new one, you can apply for international protection. There are two types of international protection:
Refugee status
Obtaining a Geneva passport or "Dokument Podrozy." (official work, travel to all UN countries, travel to other EU countries, after three years, you can apply for citizenship.)
Additional international protection
(permanent solution, allowing for a residence card every two years, obtaining a regular foreigner passport “Tymczasowe Zaświadczenie Cudzoziemca,” after five years, you can apply for citizenship.)
Both statuses are granted for life. In 2024, about 8,000 foreigners applied for international protection, including 3,000 Ukrainians. Of the total number of applicants, 1,500 received a positive decision.
The process of document processing can be complicated and confusing, especially abroad. Therefore, if your foreign passport has expired or is about to expire, contact the legal marketplace "Consultant" at +48 732 221 888. We will offer you options for extension and legalization in Poland, helping to avoid unforeseen problems and making the process as comfortable as possible. Contact us, and we will do everything to get the necessary documents quickly and without unnecessary worries. "Consultant" - your reliable partner in solving legal issues abroad.