Melnychenko Svitlana Wasyliwna

Poland / Warshawa
100 PLN/hour



About the consultant

Master of Laws, I can provide nutrition and provide local consultations and support clients with the following services: The employer's protection from the procedure for renewing a job before senior workers, including those under contract; Zachist rights creditor oberzhuvacha; Inquire about the establishment of Fatherland and adoption; Establishment of the right of authority to a land plot; Procedural assistance in registration.

The language the consultant communicates
  • Polish
  • Russian
  • Ukrainian

Rewards and recognition:



  • 2011 - Third Zhytomyr notary office - practitioner with the provision of technical and legal services; 2012 - Zhytomyr Regional Center for Social and Psychological Assistance - legal consultant; 2016 - Vice-director of the Zhytomyr regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine in the Zhytomyr region - chief specialist of the legal department.



The number is successful


Evaluation of the quality of the quality of service provision by the consultant

PLN 40.00

The total amount of money earned on service


A lawyer representing an employer in the reinstatement procedure for previously dismissed employees

uses a comprehensive approach that takes into account legal, procedural, and strategic aspects. Here are the main steps that a lawyer usually performs:

  • Analysis of the legal situation
  • Development of a defense strategy
  • Collection of evidence
  • Representation of interests in court
  • Out-of-court settlement
  • Enforcement of the court decision
  • Development of recommendations to prevent risks in the future

The professional assistance of a lawyer ensures the minimization of risks for the employer, compliance with the law and effective protection of his interests.


A lawyer who protects the rights of a borrower (debtor) in relations with a lender acts to ensure the client's 

legitimate interests and prevent violations by the lender. The main areas of work of the lawyer include:

  • Analysis of the loan agreement
  • Consulting the client
  • Protection from illegal actions of the lender
  • Judicial protection
  • Protection of the client's property
  • Negotiations with the lender
  • Support for the client after settlement
  • Prevention of problems in the future

Thanks to the professional actions of the lawyer, the borrower can avoid financial losses, illegal claims and protect his rights as a consumer of financial services.

Paternity and adoption cases have different legal implications, but in each case there are specific sequential steps that must be followed. Here are the main steps:

Cases on establishing paternity

  • Preparation for the application
  • Filing an application with the court
  • Judicial review
  • Implementation of the decision

Cases on adoption

  • Preparation for adoption
  • Filing an application with the court
  • Judicial review
  • Adoption registration

Special aspects:

Both procedures require careful preparation, compliance with legal requirements, and the active participation of a lawyer for a successful resolution of the case.


Greetings 👋

My name is Alexander, I am your personal manager. Let me help you!


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